Day 14: the trailer has arrived

Tomorrow brings chaos

It look half a week longer than they estimated, but our trailer full of stuff has arrived. We took the partition off and started to offload — around 2 ft worth — and the stuff is in expected condition: some dings and scratches, wear marks and a hole in my favorite REI camping chair, but most importantly, the nylon straps kept boxes from leaning on the partition and creating big problems for unloading. That was a major problem for our move from Florida to California back in 2013; we failed to properly tie and strap, so there was a few hundred pounds of boxes pressing against the partition, making unloading very dangerous and time-consuming. So while we’ve only managed to polish off 4% of the work so far, I’m optimistic about tomorrow. Yes, I’ve hired help. We’ll have four professional movers with us for five hours to rip through this thing.

This is how I celebrated the trailer’s arrival and the decent condition of our stuff. It’s not my preferred vessel, but I’ve been drinking Scotch out of kids plastic cups up ‘til now, so I’ll take the win.

The rest of the week is busy.

  • Tuesday: unload the damn trailer. Ting Internet will be onsite to scope out the fiber run (!!), too. Building beds and desks and unpacking boxes. With some luck I’ll have a working office by EOD? I’ve been sitting on the floor of a carpeted room (for echo cancellation) up to now.

  • Wednesday: oven repair person (the brand new oven has a high-pitched whine when in Convection Bake mode that’s like nails in my skull). Lots of furniture deliveries in the morning and afternoon.

  • Thursday: pool reservations at 10am (7am Pacific); perk of being in the Eastern time zone. Unboxing.

  • Friday: Purple King 2 Hybrid mattress arrives and we worry that sucker up the stairs, hopefully, then have the first decent night’s sleep in awhile…?

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, friends. Every day life here becomes a little more normal, and that’s very welcome at this point.