ELI12 crypto - part 0

Let's talk about cryptocurrencies for awhile

This next set of newsletters will be what I’m calling an “Explain Like I’m 12” (ELI12) approach to learning about cryptocurrency. ELI12 requires building up concepts from primitives a 12 year old would already be familiar with, then applying them to the world of crypto.

My goal for this series is to help answer questions such as:

  • What is a “computer”? (OK, maybe not that basic)

  • What is a blockchain?

  • How does Bitcoin work?

  • What are exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken?

  • Bitcoin is $52,000! Do I have to buy a whole one?

  • How safe is all this crypto stuff? Can’t I get hacked?

  • I’ve heard bitcoin is destroying the planet. Is that true?

  • I’ve heard of Ethereum and Dogecoin. What are some of the differences between these cryptocurrencies?

  • How can I get started? Is it too late?

I will also share tales of regret, like the time I spent $67,000 in today dollars for a $1,000 Amazon gift card, or the $3,000 pizza (though to be fair, it came with garlic butter dipping sauce and a spice packet).

It’s my hope that by the end of the series you’re able to understand how crypto works at a very high level, and will have a foundation for further reading elsewhere.

If you know someone who might be interested, please invite them to visit bbhart.substack.com — or forward them this email — so they don’t miss anything.