Move day 1

Hot garbage

Moving is hot garbage. Being in a new place is fine, but the process of transferring all your worldly possessions frankly sucks. At least the trailer showed up and we’re making progress now.

It was a narrow fit under the tree, with mere inches to spare. To be legal, the trailer couldn’t end up more than 18” from the curb and had to face in the direction of travel. We made it work. There’s Bob in the photo.

Had three helpers today: Rowan, Siena, and Rayanch (from two houses over).

I’m feeling good overall about the progress today. Probably 80% of the boxed stuff is on the truck now, but that means the part I’m less excited about — furniture and washer/dryer — still looms large.

The auto transport guy called mid-day and wanted to pick up the car today, but then had a hard time understanding that I wouldn’t be arriving to Raleigh until Tuesday night. We settled on picking up tomorrow morning. I got the sense he’d like to drop off the cars Tuesday night (basically as we’re landing from our flight!). We’ll see. That wouldn’t be terrible, as long as we can get the cars delivered to the hotel we’re staying at instead of the house we don’t own!

I’m physically exhausted from the moving, and mentally/emotionally exhausted from national events, but I feel progress is being made… on both.

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