The unpacking

It took me four full days to fill the 24 foot moving trailer in Sunnyvale. On this end, four professional movers unloaded it in 2 1/2 hours, including hauling ~1/3 of it to the second floor. I can’t tell you how relieved I am now that it’s over. The “waves of despair” I wrote about in previous editions are gone now; I’m in a much better place mentally as we continue to establish our new normal here in North Carolina.

Now we poke at boxes here and there during the day: opening them, unpacking them, deciding whether to keep/give away/trash some of the items, shuffling the boxes to other places, breaking them down, stacking them.

I’ve been maxing out at 6 hours of sleep a night, a combination of sleeping on a camping cot and not having any sort of window treatments in the bedroom to block the 6am sun. We’ve at least addressed one of those factors with our new mattress, which arrived yesterday:

It’s a king-sized mattress in that purple plastic duffle thing, and it’s so very heavy at 140 pounds. This is all I could think about as we lifted, pushed, and pulled that awkward beast up the stairs:

There’s a 2 minute video of the unfurling I’ll upload when I have proper Internet.

Last night’s sleep was pretty comfortable, but perhaps that’s just in comparison to sleeping on the small, squeaky cot for two weeks.

One outstanding item from the closing was they had installed the wrong fridge (we negotiated a new fridge into the deal). They finally swapped it out yesterday, so now we have one of these styles. Mixed feeling so far. It will be an adjustment.

My Tesla Home Charger was installed today, too, finally banishing my charging anxiety to the land of wind and ghosts. Charging from 66% to 90% in 1 hr 35 mins is pleasing. Too bad we can’t go anywhere.

That’s all for now. As usual, thanks for following!